

Realization of scalable technology for solar-fuel systems via water splitting or carbon dioxide reduction relies on the development of an efficient and stable photoelectrode. A typical photoelectrode architecture consists of a semiconductor light absorber paired with a catalyst/functional overlayer that can boost charge separation efficiency, reduce kinetic barriers or offer protection against corrosion for the underlying light absorber. Our group focused on design, synthesis, and characterization of integrated photoelectrodes for solar water splitting or carbon dioxide reduction, including in-depth understanding of semiconductors’ opto-electrical properties and corrosion mechanism, elucidating the role of overlayers in charge transfer and surface catalysis in semiconductor/overlayer/electrolyte assemblies and promoting performance and stability of photoelectrodes under operating conditions.

Complementary to the photoelectrode catalyst interface engineering, we also have a significant effort developing novel cell designs that explore vapor phase or MEA type devices.  By expanding away from planar aqueous devices we create opportunities for nontraditional interfaces to increase efficiency, selectivity. We are building a tool set that includes novel substrates, deposition techniques and analysis tools. Theses demonstrations will be used to determine the practicality of prototype solar-fuels systems.